Metallic beam developments for the SPIRAL 2 project

Rev Sci Instrum. 2014 Feb;85(2):02A946. doi: 10.1063/1.4847236.


The SPIRAL 2 facility, currently under construction, will provide either stable or radioactive beams at high intensity. In addition to the high intensity of stable beams, high charge states must be produced by the ion source to fulfill the RFQ LINAC injection requirements: Q/A = 1/3 at 60 kV ion source extraction voltage. Excepting deuterons and hydrogen, most of the stable beam requests concern metallic elements. The existing 18 GHz electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) Phoenix V2 designed at LPSC Grenoble has been used for the tests and will be the source for the SPIRAL 2 commissioning. The tests performed at LPSC for calcium ((40)Ca(14+) and (40)Ca(16+)), nickel ((58)Ni(19+)), and sulfur ((32)S(11+)) are described and discussed. Due to the very high charge states required, the oven method has been chosen. An intensity of 1 pμA has been reached for those elements. The performance and the beam stability have been studied using different buffer gases, and some ionization efficiency preliminary results are given.