The identification of variables associated with the type of home care (HC) of the users of the Unified Health System (UHS) contributes to the management of care in the Health Care Network (HCN). The objective was to identify variables associated with HC users in Basic Health Units (BHU) selected from Belo Horizonte. It was a transversal study in two BHU with all users (n=114) in HC in the covered area. We used a multiple logistic regression analysis for selection (stepwise) of significant variables. Greater clinical involvement of users (OR=27.47), a sad emotional state (OR=24.36), risk for pressure ulcer bythe Braden scale (OR=7.6) and semidependence by the Katz ADL index (OR=63.8) were obtained and were strongly associated with the type of HC (p<0.05). Variables based on the social, family and clinical context of the subjects subsidized the integral approach and decision-making of the healthcare team.