Previous research suggests that sleep deprivation may heighten normal reactions to an aversive social encounter. In this study, we explored how 24 h of sleep deprivation may influence responses to ostracism. Ninety-six healthy young adults were randomly allocated to either the sleep-deprivation or well-rested condition, wherein they engaged in two rounds of a ball-tossing game (Cyberball) programmed so that they would be included or ostracized. As compared with being included, being ostracized reduced participants' fulfillment of four essential needs (to belong; to have control; to have self-esteem; and to have a meaningful existence); participants also showed poorer mood and had poorer perceptions of their co-players. These effects were not influenced by sleep deprivation. Taken together, our findings suggest that sleep deprivation does not influence immediate distress responses to ostracism.
Keywords: affect; emotions; sleep loss; social behaviour; social exclusion.
© 2014 European Sleep Research Society.