The purpose of this investigation was to study the kinetics of human granulocyte (polymorphonuclear leukocyte) phagocytosis and bactericidal activity against beta-lactam antibiotic (moxalactam)-induced filamentous bacterial forms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Ultrastructural observations of rod and filamentous forms of P. aeruginosa and their interaction with polymorphonuclear leukocytes are presented. Growth of P. aeruginosa 1348A in the presence of 4 micrograms of moxalactam per ml (one-fourth the MIC) resulted in filamentous forms. Phagocytosis of 75Se-radiolabeled filaments was more efficient than that of rods during the first 20 min of the assay; subsequently, phagocytosis of both forms was equal. The polymorphonuclear leukocyte bactericidal activities against both forms, which were standardized to equal bacterial particle and viable-cell counts, were equivalent. Considering the greater size and mass of filaments compared with those of rods, we concluded that filaments are more susceptible to both phagocytosis and killing than are bacillary forms.