Surgical correction of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) remains a challenge, with reported early mortality rates of up to 20%. In this review article, we describe several topics, including surgery for neonates, diagnoses with multidetector computed tomography (MDCT), and primary sutureless repair. Several studies have reported mortality rates of around 10%, and demonstrated unchanged hospital mortality in neonates, despite improvement of the overall mortality of cohorts including older patients. Previous reports identified a low body weight at the time of the operation, preoperative pulmonary venous obstruction (PVO), and a prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass time as risk factors for hospital mortality. With the development of new technologies, MDCT has become a good diagnostic modality for use in the pre- and post-operative evaluation. MDCT delineates the drainage site of the vertical vein and the atypical vessel into the systemic vein, and it can also evaluate the existence of obstruction in the vertical vein. Following favorable experiences with post-repair PVO, the indications for sutureless repair as a primary operation have been expanded for infants, including those at risk of developing PVO after the repair of TAPVC. Primary sutureless repair has proven especially useful for difficult patient groups, such as those with congenital PVO, infracardiac TAPVC with small pulmonary veins, or mixed-type TAPVC.