Introduction: This study analyses the diagnostic value of ultrasonography (US) detection for calcification in thyroid nodules.
Materials and methods: We analysed the preoperative US findings and clinical characteristics of 577 malignant and 3434 benign thyroid patients who underwent surgery in our hospital.
Results: The malignant rate in patients with microcalcification hyperechoic and tiny calcification foci ≤2 mm in diameter was significantly higher than the non-calcification and other calcification group (P <0.001). The malignant rate in single calcifi cation nodule was signifi cantly higher than that in multiple nodule group (P <0.01). Most of the patients (37/39) with lymph node calcification were malignant. The malignant rate of calcification and microcalcification was significantly higher in patients <45 years old than in older patients (P <0.05).
Conclusion: Compared with other calcifications, microcalcification should be a better predictor of thyroid carcinoma. Malignancy should be highly suspected in patients with single calcification nodule, especially with lymph node calcification. Patients younger than 45 years of age with calcification or microcalcification have a greater risk for thyroid carcinoma.