Aim: Thyroiditis is often associated with nodules based on the Bethesda classification system, and the presence of thyroiditis can make thyroid surgery difficult using both conventional techniques and minimally invasive videoassisted approaches (MIVAT).
Methods: We analyzed 326 patients who underwent total thyroidectomy in 2012. We collected all data in dedicated database. The patients were divided in 4 groups: group 1 no affected by thyroiditis, group 2 affected by thyroiditis, group 3 only histological diagnosis of thyroiditis, group 4all patients affected by thyroiditis.
Results: Group 1 included 201 cases, group 2 included 64 patients, group 3 included 61 patients. No statistically significant difference between group 2 and 3 about Ultrasound (US) examination. Statistically significant difference in incidence of "THYR 3-4" between group 1 and group 4. No differences in MIVAT vs. Conventional group.
Conclusion: US examination of the thyroid is essential for the diagnostic study of the gland also in the selection of a surgical approach. Thyroiditis is a relative contraindication to MIVAT but the experience of the endocrine surgeon is the most important factor to reduce intra and postoperative complications together a correct collaboration in multidisciplinart endocrinological team.