PET/MRI is an evolving hybrid imaging modality which combines the inherent strengths of MRIs soft-tissue and contrast resolution and PETs functional metabolic capabilities. Bone and soft-tissue sarcoma are a relatively rare tumor entity, relying on MRI for local staging and often on PET/CT for lymph node involvement and metastatic spread evaluation. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the successful use of PET/MRI in two sarcoma patients. We also use these patients as a starting point to discuss how PET/MRI might be of value in sarcoma. Among its potential benefits are: superior TNM staging than either modality alone, decreased radiation dose, more sensitive and specific follow-up and better assessment of treatment response. These potentials need to be investigated in future PET/MRI soft-tissue sarcoma trials.
Keywords: FDG; PET/CT; PET/MRI; molecular hybrid imaging; sarcoma.