Background: Lindane is a possible carcinogen with known teratogenicity and immunologic and neurotoxic properties. Despite reports of seizures, coma, and death associated with its use as well as banning of its environmental use by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) still allows treatment with lindane as a second-line scabicide and pediculicide. We present a case of a massive suicidal ingestion of lindane in which the patient survived the ingestion, though he did expire shortly thereafter from an unrelated cause pre-discharge.
Methods: Pharmacokinetic analysis of serum lindane concentrations was performed with Phoenix® WinNONLIN®. The estimated distribution half-life for lindane was 10.3 h, and the terminal half-life was 162.9 h, much longer than the previously reported terminal half-life of 25-36 h. Because of this long half-life, repeated lindane exposures may lead to accumulation of lindane in the tissues.
Result: After overdose, toxicity may be delayed and full recovery may be prolonged.