The lack of information on the state of fetal liver in PiZZ alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency and a single case report claiming a hypoplasia of interlobular bile ducts in a 20-week PiZZ fetus, instigated this histologic study of the liver in five PiZZ fetuses, 17-20 weeks of gestation and five age-matched controls. We found no difference between the percentage of portal tracts with identifiable bile ducts in the PiZZ (median 22.2%, range 21%-23%) and in the control (median 21.4%, range 20%-24%) on hematoxylin- and eosin-stained sections. Immunostaining with AE1, a monoclonal antibody to cytokeratins restricted to normal bile ducts, doubled the number of recognizable ducts in both PiZZ and control livers. In four PiZZ livers, but in none of the controls, granular deposits of AAT could be detected by specific immunoperoxidase staining. We conclude that an apparent paucity of interlobular bile ducts is normal in the 20-week fetal liver, and our data may be taken as reference for future study dealing with similar material. Except for the cytoplasmic deposition of granules immunoreactive to AAT antiserum, there was no evidence of any developmental anomaly, in particular of the bile duct system in these five PiZZ fetal livers.