Background and objective: The Tako-tsubo syndrome (TS) is a reversible acute cardiomyopathy simulating an infarction. We analyzed 60 patients admitted with TS in our center.
Patients and method: A percentage of 73.3 were women (mean age: 70.6 ± 11.8 years); 83.3% had some cardiovascular risk factor, 25% had an anxiety-depressive disorder and in 58.3% a precipitating factor was identified, emotional stress being the most frequent. A percentage of 15.3 showed complete left bundle branch block (LBBB). In 23.3% of patients, contractile abnormalities respected the apex (mid ventricular or diaphragmatic types).
Results: The anterior descending artery showed no significant lesions in 35% of patients and in 68.3% it had a diaphragmatic segment. Forty percent of patients developed heart failure (HF) and 18.3% cardiogenic shock (CS). The overall in-hospital mortality was 3.3%, while it was 8.3% among those patients who developed HF. The incidence of CS was higher among patients with LBBB (44.4 vs. 13.7%, P=.05) and males (43.8 vs. 9.1%, P=.005).
Conclusions: Although in-hospital mortality in patients admitted due to TS is low, a significant percentage of these patients develop HF with a high mortality in this subgroup. Males and patients with LBBB had higher in-hospital morbidity.
Keywords: Discinesia apical transitoria; Heart failure; Insuficiencia cardiaca; Síndrome de Tako-tsubo; Tako-tsubo syndrome; Transient apical ballooning syndrome.
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