This is a reply to a recently published Commentary: "Palmitoylethanolamide: problems regarding micronization, ultra-micronization and additives" Inflammopharmacology DOI: 10.1007/s10787-014-0202-3 , written in relation to our review article: Skaper SD, Facci L, Fusco M, della Valle MF, Zusso M, Costa B, Giusti P (2014) "Palmitoylethanolamide, a naturally occurring disease-modifying agent in neuropathic pain" Inflammopharmacology 22:79-94 DOI: 10.1007/s10787-013-0191-7 . We believe that the Commentary by Kriek contains a number of erroneous statements and misinterpretations of the published scientific/medical literature which our reply shall elaborate on. Further, the writer of the Commentary has a direct connection to a company, JP Russell Science Ltd that sells palmitoylethanolamide. The take-home message of our review remains as originally stated: "Collectively, the findings presented here propose that palmitoylethanolamide merits further consideration as a disease-modifying agent for controlling inflammatory responses and related chronic and neuropathic pain".