To evaluate the usefulness of exercise Tl-201 myocardial scintigraphy, we performed positron emission tomography and conventional exercise Tl-201 emission computed tomography (ECT) in 33 patients with old anterior myocardial infarction (Q-MI: 24, non Q-MI: 9). N-13 ammonia was used as a blood flow tracer, and imaging was performed at rest and after multistage, symptom-limited ergometer exercise. After the administration of F-18 deoxyglucose (FDG) at rest in the fasting state, metabolic imagings were performed to evaluate regional exogenous glucose utilization. Tl-ECT showed fixed defects in 19 of the 33 patients, redistribution of the tracer in nine and no defects in five. All patients having partial or complete redistribution on Tl-ECT showed exercise-induced ischemia on PET with N-13 ammonia and an increased uptake of FDG in the hypoperfused region, suggesting the presence of ischemic but potentially salvageable tissues. In addition, PET with N-13 ammonia detected periinfarct ischemia in nine of the 19 with fixed defects on Tl-ECT, and increased uptakes of FDG were observed in eight of the 19. These results indicate that Tl-ECT may underestimate myocardial viability in clinically infarcted regions. Further studies are needed to determine whether restoring coronary flow improves wall motion in regions with fixed defects on Tl-ECT.