A 74-year-old female underwent hysterectomy and bilateral ovariectomy for uterine endometrial stromal sarcoma( ESS), low grade, at another hospital 31 years previously. When the patient was admitted for pneumonia, a lung tumor was pointed out on her chest X-ray and computed tomography( CT) scan. Chest X-ray showed an oval figure shadow of about 3.5 cm in diameter in the right lower lung field.Chest CT scan revealed an irregular form tumor of 3.5 cm in diameter in the right S8 of the lung. Fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) scan identified an abnormal accumulation of FDG at the tumor site. A pulmonary metastasis of the ESS was suspected by transbronchial lung biopsy, and the patient underwent the thoracoscopic partial resection of the right lower lobe of the lung.Histologically, the tumor was diagnosed as metastasis of the ESS, low grade.