The present work addresses the problem of using Pulsed Field Gradient (PFG) experiments to measure velocity probability density functions and/or distributions in restricted flows, without being subjected to the blurring due to diffusive molecular motions. It especially focuses on two important classes of complex yield-stress fluids, i.e. water based colloidal suspensions or polymeric gels, and concentrated emulsions. Taking into account the many constraints owing to fluid diffusive properties, flow rate, hardware characteristics and pore size, it is found that the existence of suitable and optimised sequence parameters can be discussed in a graphical way. To do so, it also shown that Murday and Cotts formula describing diffusion inside emulsion droplets can be efficiently approximated by means of a set of asymptotic expressions. Different tuning regimes are identified for both kind of fluids, highlighting the influence of each of the various constraints on measuring possibilities. A method is given to build quantitative diagrams indicating pore sizes and flow rates allowing pure velocity assessment for a given fluid and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) hardware. Measurements are found to be mainly constrained by fluid self-diffusivity and microstructure at low flow rates, and hardware characteristics at high flow rates. Although high gradient strengths can be made necessary to decrease achievable velocities and pore sizes in some specific cases, low gradient systems turn out suitable in many situations thanks to optimised sequence tuning. Due to their larger size, the latter also appear to offer the widest variety of workable experimental conditions. The use of these results is finally exemplified on the practical case of an emulsion flow in a model porous system.
Keywords: Emulsion; Flow velocity; Gaussian phase approximation; Porous media; Pulsed field gradient; Self diffusion; Signal to noise ratio; Suspension.
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