Introduction: There are conflicting reports on the posttransplantation morbidity and mortality of patients listed urgently and/or supported by a ventricular assist device (VAD). The aim of this study was to analyze the outcomes with regard to pretransplantation condition (elective, urgent, VAD).
Methods: All adult recipients between January 1, 2005, and October 31, 2012, were included. Demographics; preoperative, operative, and postoperative data; outpatient follow-up; and donor characteristics were collected and analyzed.
Results: Of a total of 74 patients, 19 were listed urgently, 20 had a Berlin Heart EXCOR BVAD (biventricular assist device) (Berlin Heart, Berlin, Germany) (8 urgent), 7 had a Berlin Heart INCOR left VAD (Berlin Heart, Berlin, Germany) (2 urgent), and 2 had a HeartWare left VAD (HeartWare International, Framingham, Mass, USA) (none urgent). Mean age was 52 ± 12years. The overall 30-day, 1-year, and 3-year survival was 90% ± 3%, 79% ± 5%, and 66% ± 7%. There was no difference in survival when comparing urgently listed (95% ± 5%, 84% ± 8%, 74% ± 12%) and elective patients (89% ± 4%, 77% ± 6%, 63% ± 8%; P = .4), and VAD patients (86% ± 6%, 76% ± 8%, 63% ± 11%) and those without mechanical support (93% ± 4%, 81% ± 6%, 69% ± 9%; P = .6). In-hospital outcomes and long-term complications were also comparable.
Conclusions: Our series suggests that urgent patients and patients on a VAD have a posttransplantation outcome comparable to elective patients and patients without a VAD. These data support the effectiveness of the current practice of listing for heart transplantation.
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