Objectives: To evaluate reproducibility and repeatability of the assessment of elastography images of the uterine cervix using an Elastography Index.
Material and methods: Elastography images of the uterine cervix were obtained. Numeric scale called Elastography Index, previously published by the authors, was used to describe parts of the cervix. A total of 282 images were evaluated twice by an experienced and twice by an inexperienced operator
Results: Reproducibility and repeatability of the evaluation of internal and external os and cervical canal were over 90%. Inter-assay coefficient of variation was 1.84%, 6.76% and 7.27% respectively and 5.84% for anterior and 16.74% for posterior wall. Analysis of the second evaluation only of both operators revealed no significant difference for posterior wall as well (F-test; p = 0.09).
Conclusion: Authors proved satisfactory reproducibility and repeatability of subjective assessment of elastography images of uterine cervix during pregnancy with the use of Elastography Index in the hands of experienced and inexperienced observer