The authors presented results of experimental studies assessing influence of vibration on white rats. Dynamics of morphologic changes development in brain of experimental animals exposed to vibration were shown. Exposure to vibration in white rats daily during 4 hours over 15 days causes astrogliosis--compensation process in response to brain injury; over 1 month--causes morphologic brain changes (vacuoles formation in neuropile, decrease in astroglia cells number); over 2 months--causes lower plasticity of brain neurons, preserved astrogliosis; over 4 months--causes perivascular edema. Changes in brain bioelectric activity indicate stages of pathologic process in central nervous system. Increase in vibration exposure duration leads to more severe diffuse pathologic changes in brain and local cortical and diencephalic disorders. Exposure to vibration in white rats causes increase in general mobility, nonspecific activation of behaviour, intense emotional exertion, negative emotional state, but less severe effects of vibration were seen in orientative-trying reactions that are inborn, inherited forms of behaviour.