Advanced phasemeter for deep phase modulation interferometry

Opt Express. 2014 Jul 28;22(15):18214-23. doi: 10.1364/OE.22.018214.


We present the development of an advanced phasemeter for the deep phase modulation interferometry technique. This technique aims for precise length measurements with a high dynamic range using little optical hardware. The advanced phasemeter uses fast ADCs and an FPGA to implement a design of multiple single-bin Fourier transforms running at high sampling rates. Non-linear noise sources in the design were analyzed and suppressed. A null measurement with an optical beatnote signal using λ = 1064nm was conducted. It showed a sensitivity of 0.8μrad/√Hz below 10Hz and 13.3μrad/√Hz above, with a large dynamic range. The shown performance could enable the measuring of optical path lengths with sensitivities down to 0.14pm/√Hz and 2.3pm/√Hz, respectively, over several fringes in an interferometric setup.

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  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't