The MHC is a large genetic region controlling Ag processing and recognition by T lymphocytes in vertebrates. Approximately 40% of its genes are implicated in innate or adaptive immunity. A putative proto-MHC exists in the chordate amphioxus and in the fruit fly, indicating that a core MHC region predated the emergence of the adaptive immune system in vertebrates. In this study, we identify a putative proto-MHC with archetypal markers in the most basal branch of Metazoans--the placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens, indicating that the proto-MHC is much older than previously believed--and present in the common ancestor of bilaterians (contains vertebrates) and placozoans. Our evidence for a T. adhaerens proto-MHC was based on macrosynteny and phylogenetic analyses revealing approximately one third of the multiple marker sets within the human MHC-related paralogy groups have unique counterparts in T. adhaerens, consistent with two successive whole genome duplications during early vertebrate evolution. A genetic ontologic analysis of the proto-MHC markers in T. adhaerens was consistent with its involvement in defense, showing proteins implicated in antiviral immunity, stress response, and ubiquitination/proteasome pathway. Proteasome genes psma, psmb, and psmd are present, whereas the typical markers of adaptive immunity, such as MHC class I and II, are absent. Our results suggest that the proto-MHC was involved in intracellular intrinsic immunity and provide insight into the primordial architecture and functional landscape of this region that later in evolution became associated with numerous genes critical for adaptive immunity in vertebrates.
Copyright © 2014 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.