The Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) contains a provision requiring private insurers issuing or renewing plans on or after September 23, 2010, to provide, without cost sharing, preventive services recommended by US Preventive Services Task Force (grades A and B), among other recommending bodies. As a grade A recommendation, chlamydia screening for sexually active young women 24 years and younger and older women at risk for chlamydia falls under this requirement. This article examines the potential effect on chlamydia screening among this population across private and public health plans and identifies lingering barriers not addressed by this legislation. Examination of the impact on women with private insurance touches upon the distinction between coverage under grandfathered plans, where the requirement does not apply, and nongrandfathered plans, where the requirement does apply. Acquisition of private health insurance through health insurance Marketplaces is also discussed. For public health plans, coverage of preventive services without cost sharing differs for individuals enrolled in standard Medicaid, covered under the Medicaid expansion included in the ACA, or those enrolled under the Children's Health Insurance Program or who fall under Early, Periodic, Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment criteria. The discussion of lingering barriers not addressed by the ACA includes the uninsured, physician reimbursement, cost sharing, confidentiality, low rates of appropriate sexual history taking by providers, and disclosures of sensitive information. In addition, the role of safety net programs that provide health care to individuals regardless of ability to pay is examined in light of the expectation that they also remain a payer of last resort.