Objectives: To evaluate the applicability of acoustic radiation force impulse elastography as a complementary method in diagnosing mammary neoplasia in dogs.
Methods: Mammary tumours from 50 female dogs were evaluated and divided into two groups: G1 (benign tissue) and G2 (malignant tumours). The nodules were assessed by B-Mode ultrasonography, qualitative and quantitative acoustic radiation force impulse elastography and histopathology.
Results: B-Mode ultrasound examination was ineffective at separating the tumours into the two groups. Likewise, there was no correlation between the grayscale images of the mammary tissue by qualitative elastography. A difference was found in the deformity of the mammary masses between the malignant and benign groups (P = 0 · 002). Using quantitative elastography, the mean values of shear velocity were 3 · 33 m/s for malignant tumours and 1 · 28 m/s for benign tissue (P < 0 · 0001).
Clinical significance: The use of acoustic radiation force impulse elastography may help to differentiate between malignant and benign mammary neoplasms.
© 2014 British Small Animal Veterinary Association.