Background: Itching is a leading symptom of chronic hand eczema (CHE) having a great impact on patients. The determinants of itching in CHE are unclear.
Objective: We performed a cross-sectional analysis investigating factors associated with the presence and severity of itch in CHE patients from the CARPE registry.
Methods: We present baseline data on itch in relationship with sociodemographic factors, severity of CHE, atopy, contact allergy, treatment and patient- reported outcomes including health-related quality of life (HRQoL).
Results: Of 1,051 patients with CHE, 78.1% reported itching. Significant positive associations with itching were observed for younger age groups (17-25 and 26-45 years), for moderate, severe and very severe CHE and for small/moderate impairment in HRQoL. Atopic skin diathesis, hardly being able to realize treatment recommendations and very or extremely large impairments in HRQoL were associated with itch severity.
Conclusion: Taking the identified variables into account may help identify vulnerable groups most affected by (severe) itch.