Reconsolidation and extinction are two processes occurring upon memory retrieval that have received great attention in memory research over the last decade, partly due to their purported potential in the treatment of anxiety disorders. Due to their opposite behavioral effects, the two phenomena have usually been considered as separate entities, with few attempts to build a unified view of how both could be produced by similar mechanisms. Based on computational modeling, we have previously proposed that reconsolidation and extinction are behavioral outcomes of the same set of plasticity systems, albeit working at different synapses. One of these systems seems to be pharmacologically similar to the one involved in initial memory consolidation, and likely involves traditional Hebbian plasticity, while the second seems to be more involved with the labilization of existing memories and/or synaptic changes. In this article, we review the evidence for the existence of a plasticity system specifically involved in memory labilization, as well as its possible molecular requirements, anatomical substrates, synaptic mechanisms and physiological roles. Based on these data, we propose that the field of memory updating might ultimately benefit from a paradigm shift in which reconsolidation and extinction are viewed not as separate processes but as different instantiations of plasticity systems responsible for reinforcement and labilization of synaptic changes.
Keywords: Conditioning; Deconsolidation; Destabilization; Extinction; Labilization; Memory; Plasticity; Reconsolidation; Reinforcement; Retrieval.
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