Hierarchical Li1.2 Ni0.2 Mn0.6 O2 nanoplates with exposed {010} planes as high-performance cathode material for lithium-ion batteries

Adv Mater. 2014 Oct 22;26(39):6756-60. doi: 10.1002/adma.201402541. Epub 2014 Sep 2.


Hierarchical Li1.2 Ni0.2 Mn0.6 O2 nanoplates with exposed {010} planes are designed and synthesized. In combination with the advantages from the hierarchical archi-tecture and the exposed electrochemically active {010} planes of layered materials, this material satisfies both efficient ion and electron transport and thus shows superior rate capability and excellent cycling stability.

Keywords: hierarchical architecture; layered lithium-rich cathode material; nanoplates; rate capability; {010} planes.