The preliminary results of a survey carried out by the Institutes of Dermatology of Bari and Florence Universities and by the Clinica del Lavoro of Milan University are analyzed. The survey, whose aim is to identify the causes of contact dermatitis on housewives' hands and whose conclusions are forecasted for June 1990, will examine 1,650 female people, 1,050 of which are ill and 600 are case-controls. The results of the first 617 cases (514 ill and 103 case-controls) are reported. The anamnesis has shown that the hands (in 488 cases) are the most affected part of the body, that the most frequent symptoms are itch and burning sensation (in 410 cases), and that cosmetics, followed by detergents and softeners, are considered by the patients among the products more responsible for these symptoms. The allergic tests, even if with a different percentage of incidence, have shown metals (above all nickel), rubber additives and resins as the main aptens. Another survey, also in progress, concerning the search of metals in detergents and in washing waters for pollution caused by abrasives, pots, Inox sinks, pipes and tabs of the water system, is reported.