Mosaicism is present in more than 50% of the cases with small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMCs) and karyotype 47,XX,+mar/46,XX or 47,XY,+mar/46,XY. Recently we provided first evidence that the mitotic stability of sSMC is dependent on their structure, i.e. their shape. Thus, here we performed a long term in vitro study on 12 selected cell lines from the Else Kröner-Fresenius-sSMC-cellbank ( to test mitotic sSMC stability systematically. The obtained results showed that inverted duplicated shaped and also the so-called complex sSMCs (group 1) are by far more stable, than centric-minute- or ring-shaped sSMCs (groups 2). Generally speaking, the percentage of cells with group-1-sSMCs remained stable over 90 days of cell culture, while that of group-2-sSMCs in parts dramatically decreased. In one group-2-cell line the sSMC was even lost completely after 30 days of in vitro culture, in others the sSMC was depleted in up to 40% of the cells. Still the highest rate of sSMC loss was recorded during EBV-transformation. Overall, the major difference between groups 1 and 2 was the number of telomeres per sSMC. In group 1 the sSMCs had "original" telomeres at both of their ends; in group 2 the sSMCs had either no, possibly secondary acquired and/or only one original telomere. This absence of protective telomeric sequences in group 2 seems to make sSMC more susceptible for loss during cell division. Still, also a growth advantage of cells without sSMC cannot be neglected entirely.
Keywords: Cell lines; Marker chromosome shape; Small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMCs); Telomeres.
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