CD4(+) T cell effectors are crucial for establishing antitumor immunity. Dendritic cell maturation by immune adjuvants appears to facilitate subset-specific CD4(+) T cell proliferation, but the adjuvant effect for CD4 T on induction of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) is largely unknown. Self-antigenic determinants with low avidity are usually CD4 epitopes in mutated proteins with tumor-associated class I-antigens (TAAs). In this study, we made a chimeric version of survivin, a target of human CTLs. The chimeric survivin, where human survivin-2B containing a TAA was embedded in the mouse survivin frame (MmSVN2B), was used to immunize HLA-A-2402/K(b)-transgenic (HLA24(b)-Tg) mice. Subcutaneous administration of MmSVN2B or xenogeneic human survivin (control HsSNV2B) to HLA24(b)-Tg mice failed to induce an immune response without co-administration of an RNA adjuvant polyI:C, which was required for effector induction in vivo. Although HLA-A-2402/K(b) presented the survivin-2B peptide in C57BL/6 mice, 2B-specific tetramer assays showed that no CD8(+) T CTLs specific to survivin-2B proliferated above the detection limit in immunized mice, even with polyI:C treatment. However, the CD4(+) T cell response, as monitored by IFN-γ, was significantly increased in mice given polyI:C+MmSVN2B. The Th1 response and antibody production were enhanced in the mice with polyI:C. The CD4 epitope responsible for effector function was not Hs/MmSNV13-27, a nonconserved region between human and mouse survivin, but region 53-67, which was identical between human and mouse survivin. These results suggest that activated, self-reactive CD4(+) helper T cells proliferate in MmSVN2B+polyI:C immunization and contribute to Th1 polarization followed by antibody production, but hardly participate in CTL induction.
Keywords: CD4 epitope; Interferon-γ; Peptide vaccine; PolyI:C; Survivin; Th1 response; Tumor immunity.
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