Arthroscopic Transtendinous Modified Double-Row Suture Bridge Repair of a Bony PASTA Lesion

Arthrosc Tech. 2014 Jul 14;3(4):e449-53. doi: 10.1016/j.eats.2014.05.001. eCollection 2014 Aug.


Surgical and conservative management of partial tears of the rotator cuff has long been a controversial topic for many generations of shoulder surgeons. These tears frequently occur on both the articular and bursal surfaces and within the intrasubstance of the rotator cuff. The term "PASTA lesion" describes the partial articular supraspinatus tendon avulsion-type injury. A less common variant of this injury is the bony PASTA lesion or partial articular bony avulsion of the supraspinatus tendon (PABAST).