High-throughput sequencing platforms are continuing to increase resulting read lengths, which is allowing for a deeper and more accurate depiction of environmental microbial diversity. With the nascent Reagent Kit v3, Illumina MiSeq now has the ability to sequence the eukaryotic hyper-variable V4 region of the SSU-rDNA locus with paired-end reads. Using DNA collected from soils with analyses of strictly- and nearly identical amplicons, here we ask how the new Illumina MiSeq data compares with what we can obtain with Roche/454 GS FLX with regard to quantity and quality, presence and absence, and abundance perspectives. We show that there is an easy qualitative transition from the Roche/454 to the Illumina MiSeq platforms. The ease of this transition is more nuanced quantitatively for low-abundant amplicons, although estimates of abundances are known to also vary within platforms.
Keywords: 454; Illumina; MiSeq; Roche; abundances; next-generation sequencing; pyrosequencing.
© 2014 The Author(s) Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology © 2014 International Society of Protistologists.