Herein, we report a 36-year-old Asian male patient who presented with grouped multiple erythematous waxy papules and nodules on his right medial thigh. He had undergone amputation of the right second toe because of a stage IIa malignant melanoma, 3 years previously. At the time of surgery for the primary tumor, right inguinal lymph node dissection revealed no nodal involvement. Three years after the diagnosis of the primary tumor, crops of multiple erythematous papules and nodules developed. Initial histopathologic evaluation of the papules showed nests of small epithelioid cells similar to compound nevi. However, cytologic features, including high mitotic figures, lack of maturation, and some hyperchromatic nuclei suggested metastatic melanoma. In addition to the pathologic findings, the tumors were on the right thigh, which was the same side as the primary malignant melanoma. The patient underwent wide excision of the tumor and split-thickness skin grafting.
Keywords: Epidermotropic metastatic malignant melanoma.