Pentraxins are among the main acute phase reactants. There are two types of pentraxins, i.e., long, including pentraxin 3 (PTX3) and short, including C-reactive protein (CRP) and serum amyloid A (SAA). The aim of the study was to assess the increase in serum concentrations of pentraxins (ex- pressed as the multiplicity of the upper reference limits) and their usefulness in prognosing severe course of acute pancreatitis (AP) in the early phase of the disease. Forty patients admitted to Ist Department of Surgery, Jagiel-Ionian University Medical College with the diagnosis of AP were recruited for the study. In the early phase of AP, the concentrations of PTX3 achieved maximum earlier than CRP or SAA, enabling to differentiate between mild and moderate or severe AP in the first day of the disease. Also, during the first 24 hours from beginning of AP, SAA achieved its best prognostic value. Of all pentraxins studied, SAA was characterized by the most significant increase as compared to the upper reference limit. The prognostic utility of CRP increased later, after 48 hours of AP.