Purpose: To describe a technique which exploits the transparency and toughness of the pre-Descemets layer (Dua's layer) to safely perform deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) and phacoemulsification at the same time.
Methods: Three DALK procedures combined with phacoemulsification were performed by the same surgeon using the big-bubble (BB) technique at the Research Institute of Ophthalmology, Cairo, Egypt. In two cases a type-1 BB, baring Dua's layer, was achieved and in one case a type-2 BB, baring the Descemet's membrane (DM), was achieved. The surgeries were video recorded and photo slit-lamp images were taken in the follow-up visits.
Results: DALK with phacoemulsification and lens implant was carried out in both patients where a type-1 BB was achieved. At a follow up of 18 months (first case) and 6 months (second case), the best corrected vision was 6/12 for each. In the case where a type-2 BB was achieved, the DM ruptured during injection of viscoelastic prior to capsulorhexis. The procedure was converted to a penetrating keratoplasty without phacoemulsification.
Conclusion: When a type-1 BB is achieved simultaneous DALK and phacoemulsification can be safely accomplished. Dua's layer allows a clear view for performing phacoemulsification with the added benefit of its toughness, which can maintain a stable anterior chamber for cataract surgery. This should not be attempted when a type-2 BB is achieved.