1. Pharmacokinetics of human cytochrome P450 probes (caffeine, racemic warfarin, omeprazole, metoprolol and midazolam) were investigated after single intravenous and oral administrations at doses of 0.20 and 1.0 mg kg(-1), respectively, in combination to three young (3-year-old) and three aged (16-year-old) cynomolgus monkeys. 2. The plasma concentrations of caffeine and R-/S-warfarin decreased slowly in a monophasic manner, but those of omeprazole, metoprolol and midazolam decreased rapidly, in a similar manner to those as reported for pharmacokinetics in humans. 3. The mean maximum concentrations of R- and S-warfarin (4.6 and 3.7 µg/mL, respectively) in aged monkeys after oral administration were significantly higher than those in young monkeys (3.3 and 2.7 µg/mL). The mean clearance (CL) values of midazolam in aged monkeys (9.5 mL/min/kg) were significantly lower than those in young monkeys (13 mL/min/kg). 4. Individual intrinsic CL values for omeprazole (r = 0.29) and metoprolol (r = 0.30) of individual monkey livers were inversely correlated with their ages significantly (p < 0.05) in liver microsomes prepared from 55 cynomolgus monkeys. 5. These results suggest that cynomolgus monkeys could be a good model for humans, especially with particular characteristics in reduced CLs of some human P450 substrates by aging.
Keywords: Cynomolgus monkey; hepatic clearance; in vitro–in vivo correlation; liver microsomes, P450 substrates.