The aim of this study was to determine the activity of ipilimumab (ipi)-based therapy after treatment failure with a BRAF inhibitor (BRAFi). Sixty-four patients with unresectable stage III or stage IV BRAF V600-mutant melanoma who were treated sequentially with a BRAFi and ipi-based therapy [ipi as monotherapy or ipi in combination with an autologous mRNA electroporated dendritic cell vaccine (TriMixDC-MEL)] were identified. Thirty-three patients had been treated with a BRAFi before ipi-based therapy (BRAFi-first), and 31 patients had been treated with ipi-based therapy first (ipi-first). In patients treated with a BRAFi first (n=33), the best response on sequential ipi-based therapy was three complete responses and six partial responses (best objective response rate of 27%). In patients treated with ipi-based therapy first (n=31), the best response on ipi-based therapy was 0 complete response and four partial responses (best objective response rate of 13%). The response rate did not differ significantly between the two groups (P=0.14). The median overall survival from the start of ipi-based therapy was 10 months (95% confidence interval: 5.7-14.3) in the BRAFi-first group and 12.3 months (95% confidence interval: 7.4-17.2) in the ipi-first group (P=0.34). We report that objective tumor responses to ipi-based immunotherapy can still be obtained after progression has occurred upon treatment with a BRAFi. A part of this observation might be related to the results obtained with a combination of ipi and TriMixDC-MEL.