Derived amphiploidy helped to resynthesize agronomically superior B. juncea germplasm which showed high heterosis in crosses with natural B. juncea . This new procedure facilitates a seamless flow of variation across Brassica digenomics. Brassica digenomics, artificially resynthesized by hybridizing extant genome donor diploids, show poor breeding value due to the linkage drag associated with diploid donors. We recently developed a method that involves resynthesis through hybridization between related allotetraploids. Derived B. juncea was created by combining A and B genomes extant in B. napus and B. carinata, respectively. Large genomic and agronomic modifications resulted. Population structure analysis based on the DNA polymorphism generated using 108 locus-specific SSR primers helped to identify three pools of allelic diversity. Thirteen progenies with determinate plant growth habit were discovered, and these aligned closely with B genome of the donor species like B. nigra and B. carinata. The indeterminate group showed greater genetic affinity with extant B. juncea. Derived genotypes possessed high agronomic potential. Importantly, high heterosis was observed in crosses between derived and natural B. juncea. Some derived juncea progenies figured in heterotic combinations during both the years of F 1 hybrid evaluation. In essence, the hybrids between derived B. juncea and natural B. juncea can be considered as interspecific hybrids between B. juncea and B. napus for A genome and between B. juncea and B. carinata for B genome. This possibly explains their high heterosis-inducing potential. Integrating genetic diversity with the inherent breeding value allowed more efficient prediction of heterosis. Besides generation of new novel variability of huge economic importance and operational simplicity, the method of derived amphiploidy allows a seamless flow of heritable variation across Brassica digenomics.