Background: We have conducted 23 operational research (OR) courses since 2009, based on 'The Union/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)' model, now popularly known as SORT-IT (Structured Operational Research and Training Initiative) model - wherein participants are mentored through the whole research process from protocol development (module 1) to data analysis (module 2) to publication (module 3) over a period of 9-12 months. We have faced a number of challenges including shortage of time, especially for data analysis and interpretation, and a heavy mentorship burden on limited numbers of experienced facilitators. To address these challenges, we have made several modifications to the structure of the OR course. In this article, we describe the revised structure and our experience (successes and challenges) of implementing it in Asia in 2013.
Findings: The key changes introduced included extending the duration of the course modules (by a day each in module 1 and 2 and by three days in module 3), increasing the numbers of facilitators and standardizing milestones related to data entry and analysis. We successfully implemented this revised structure in the second Asian OR Course held in Nepal in 2013. Eleven of twelve participants successfully completed all the milestones and submitted 13 scientific manuscripts (two participants completed two projects) to international peer-reviewed journals. Though, this posed two challenges - increased costs and increased time away for faculty and participants.
Conclusions: The revised structure of 'The Union/MSF' model of OR capacity building addressed previous issues of insufficient time and overburdened mentors and we intend to continue with this model for future courses.