Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the profile of skin prick-test reactivity to different aeroallergens in patients with rhinitis and asthma in Lebanon and its geographic variation within the country. It was also to suggest a minimal panel of allergens that should be used to detect sensitized patients.
Methods: All patients who underwent skin prick-testing, because of rhinitis and/or symptoms suggesting asthma, between 2004 to 2011 in the hôtel-Dieu de France university hospital of Beirut, were studied. The total number of patients was 2350 and all were tested with the same panel of 24 aeroallergens. A further series of 208 patients were added because Cupressaceae antigens were not included in the initial series.
Results: The overall rate of sensitization to any allergen was 75.6%. A battery of eleven allergens (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae, Blomia, Parietaria, grass, Salicaceae, oak, Oleaceae, dog, cat, and cockroaches) was found to identify sensitized patients with a sensitivity of 96% and a negative predictive value of 90%. Cupressaceae should be added to this battery in view of the results of the additional series. The Bekaa region had a unique profile of sensitization.
Conclusion: Twelve allergens are able to detect almost all sensitized patients suffering from respiratory symptoms in Lebanon.
Keywords: Aeroallergen; Batterie; Lebanon; Liban; Panel; Pneumallergène; Prick-test; Sensibilisation; Sensitization; Skin prick-test.
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