Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is a dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase that converts angiotensin I into the potent vasoconstrictor angiotensin II. We have used cDNA and genomic sequences to assemble a composite cDNA, ACE.315, encoding the entire amino acid sequence of mouse converting enzyme. ACE.315 contains 4838 base pairs and encodes a protein of 1278 amino acids (147.4 kDa) after removal of a 34-amino acid signal peptide. Within the protein, there are two large areas of homologous sequence, each containing a potential Zn-binding region and catalytic site. These homologous regions are approximately half the size of the whole ACE protein and suggest that the modern ACE gene is the duplicated product of a precursor gene. Mouse ACE is 83% homologous to human ACE in both nucleic acid and amino acid sequence, and like human ACE, contains a hydrophobic region in the carboxyl terminus that probably anchors the enzyme to the cell membrane (Soubrier, F., Alhenc-Gelas, F., Hubert, C., Allegrini, J., John, M., Tregear, G., and Corvol, P. (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85, 9386-9390). Northern analysis of mouse kidney, lung, and testis RNA demonstrates that the testicular isozyme of ACE is encoded by a single, smaller RNA (2500 bases) than the two message sizes found in kidney or lung (4900 and 4150 bases), and that this testicular RNA hybridizes to the 3' portion of ACE.315.