IT in health care has evolved rapidly over the past 20 years. The rise of the computer is at the core of these changes. Most agree that although these technologies have revolutionized the practice of medicine, they have additionally fostered a data revolution that is simultaneously useful and disruptive. The effective use and implementation of the right IT tools are critical to the success of the imaging profession. This article serves as a guideline to radiologists on how to build an effective IT division within an imaging enterprise from the perspective of leadership, management, and human resources. We address the process for building an IT team from the ground up and also provide recommendations for modifying an existing IT group to make it more effective. Paramount to this discussion is the concept of the imaging informatics professional and the advantage this type of training brings to a radiology department. In addition, we focus on the critical role of the physician informaticist as a liaison to bridge gaps among the IT, medical, and administrative functions in an organization.
Keywords: Physician informaticist; administration; education; human resource; leadership; qualifications; responsibilities; training.
Copyright © 2014 American College of Radiology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.