Background: Most deaths on the intensive care unit (ICU) occur after end-of-life decisions (EOLD) have been made. During the decision-making process, responsibility is often shared within the caregiver team and with the patients' surrogates. The intensive care unit length of stay (ICU-LOS) of surgical ICU-patients depends on the primary illness as well as on the past medical history. Whether an increasing ICU-LOS affects the process of EOLD making is unknown.
Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on all deceased patients (n = 303) in a 22-bed surgical ICU of a German university medical center. Patient characteristics were compared between surgical patients with an ICU-LOS up to 1 week and those with an ICU-LOS of more than 7 days.
Results: Deceased patients with a long ICU-LOS received more often an EOLD (83.2% vs. 63.6%, p = 0.001). Groups did not differ in urgency of admission. Attending intensivists participated in every EOLD. Participation of surgeons was significantly higher in patients with a short ICU-LOS (24.1%, p = 0.003), whereas nurses and the patients' surrogates were involved more frequently in patients with a long ICU-LOS (18.8%, p = 0.021 and 18.9%, p = 0.018, respectively).
Conclusion: EOLDs of surgical ICU-patients are associated with the ICU-LOS. Reversal of the primary illness leads the early ICU course, while in prolonged ICU-LOS, the patients' predicted will and the expected post-ICU-quality of life gain interest. Nurses and the patients' surrogates participate more frequently in EOLDs with prolonged ICU-LOS. To improve EOLD making on surgical ICUs, the ICU-LOS associated participation of the different decision makers needs further prospective analysis.