A high proportion of HIV-positive sera were found to react with 130- and 180-kDa antigens which were present in the Jijoye cell line. The majority of the HIV-positive sera which detected these antigens also contained antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen 2B (EBNA2B) suggesting a relationship between B-type EBV strains and the expression of the 130K/180K antigens. Cell lines were established by infection of B lymphocytes with different A- and B-type strains of EBV. Incubation of these lines with sera from individuals infected with either A-type or B-type EBV strains demonstrated that the 130K and 180K antigens were only expressed by cell lines containing B-type virus. Sera from individuals infected with A-type EBV did not react with the 180K antigen in any cell lines but could detect EBNAs 3, 4, and 6 antigens in the A-type cell lines. Restriction enzyme analysis of the BamHI E region of the EBV genome revealed marked differences between the A and B types of the virus. These results demonstrate that expression of antigens encoded from the BamHI E region of EBV (EBNAs 3, 4, and 6) are altered in cell lines transformed by B-type strains of EBV.