Darier-White Disease (DW), otherwise known as keratosis follicularis, is a rare genodermatosis with autosomal dominant inheritance, characterized by loss of adhesion between epidermal cells and abnormal keratinization. The distinctives lesions of DW Disease include rough papules in seborrheic areas, palmoplantar pits, mucosal involvement, and nail changes. DW Disease can be occasionally associated with bacterial complications, but rarely with viral ones. Kaposi's varicelliform eruption (KVE) is a secondary herpes simplex virus infection that affects patients in the setting of primary dermatologic conditions. KVE, frequently misdiagnosed as impetigo, can be severe, progressing to disseminated infections and potentially life threatening. It occurs with a variety of skin disorders, although association with DW Disease has rarely been reported in the literature. This report describes a case of KVE in a patient suffering from DW Disease, focusing on its clinical course. A review of the literature on KVE including disease associations, pathogenesis, and treatment has been also reported.