To speed up the time taken for MR examinations, 20 patients with malignant gynaecological lesions (carcinoma of the cervix, uterus or ovary) and two operative specimen (carcinoma of the cervix) were examined by T2*-weighted flash sequences; the results were compared with T2-weighted spin echo sequences. In ten out of 20 in vivo examinations, the flash method produced a similar contrast range between tumour and normal tissues, cystic lesions being particularly well seen in gradient echo sequences. In the remaining patients, and in the surgical specimen, demarcation of the tumour was significantly poorer on the flash sequences. There was also loss of anatomic detail and an increased susceptibility to artifacts. The flash sequence as used here can therefore not be regarded as of the same diagnostic value as T2-weighted spin echo sequences in the diagnosis of gynaecological malignancies.