Volatile 4-alkyl-branched fatty acids are characteristic flavor compounds of sheep and goat. Due to the methyl branch, the carbon C-4 represents a stereogenic center with the possible presence of one or both enantiomers in the respective samples. In this study, we used enantioselective gas chromatography to study the enantiomeric composition of 4-methyloctanoic acid (4-Me-8:0) and 4-ethyloctanoic acid (4-Et-8:0) in milk and dairy products from sheep and goat as well as in goat subcutaneous tissue. Different columns coated with modified cyclodextrins were tested to resolve racemic 4-alkyl-branched fatty acid methyl ester standards. The best enantiomer resolution was obtained on 25% octakis(2,3,6-tri-O-ethyl)-γ-cyclodextrin (γ-TECD) diluted in OV-1701. For analysis of the food samples, the lipids were extracted and fatty acids in the extracts were converted into fatty acid methyl esters. Non-aqueous reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography was used to fractionate the samples in order to gain one solution enriched in 4-Me-8:0 methyl ester and one solution enriched with 4-Et-8:0 methyl ester. Subsequent analysis by enantioselective gas chromatography with mass spectrometry allowed only the detection of one enantiomer of 4-Me-8:0 and 4-Et-8:0 in the samples. By means of a non-racemic standard of 4-Me-8:0, it was found that the predominant enantiomer was (R)-4-Me-8:0.
Keywords: alkyl-branched-chain fatty acids; enantioselective analysis; goat; milk; modified cyclodextrins; sheep.