The pomegranate seed oil (PSO), containing 17-α-estradiol, is one of the newly found phytosterols with synergistic health effects on estrogen related physiological conditions. Herein, PSO was assessed for its potential improving effects on bone characteristics in a rat model of menopausal syndrome. Three month old non-pregnant female Wistar rats (n = 30) were either sham-operated (SHAM) or ovariectomized (OVX), each divided into two further groups receiving 0.1 mL PSO or the same volume of paraffin oil as placebo. Before the operation and 67 days after it, multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) scanning was performed with the identical setup option for the scanner to measure the bone mineral density (BMD) in body of 12(th) thoracic vertebra, 1(st) to 6(th) lumbar vertebra and sacrum. This study revealed that bone density of 1(st), 3(rd), 5(th), 6(th) and sacrum body were significantly different between OVX and SHAM groups during the study period. In conclusion, PSO during 67 days study could not completely prevent the osteoporotic effects caused by ovariectomy in vertebral column of rats.
Keywords: Computed Tomography; Osteoporosis; Pomegranate seed oil; Rat; Vertebral column.