Identifying a bath-induced bose liquid in interacting spin-boson models

Phys Rev Lett. 2014 Dec 31;113(26):260403. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.260403. Epub 2014 Dec 31.


We study the ground state phase diagram of a one-dimensional hard-core bosonic model with nearest-neighbor interactions (XXZ model) where every site is coupled Ohmically to an independent but identical reservoir, hereby generalizing spin-boson models to interacting spin-boson systems. We show that a bath-induced Bose liquid phase can occur in the ground state phase diagram away from half filling. This phase is compressible, gapless, and conducting but not superfluid. At half filling, only a Luttinger liquid and a charge density wave are found. The phase transition between them is of Kosterlitz-Thouless type where the Luttinger parameter takes a nonuniversal value. The applied quantum Monte Carlo method can be used for all open bosonic and unfrustrated spin systems, regardless of their dimension, filling factor, and spectrum of the dissipation as long as the quantum system couples to the bath via the density operators.