The market of protein therapeutics is exploding, and characterization methods for proteins are being further developed to understand and explore conformational structures with regards to function and activity. There are several spectroscopic techniques that allow for analyzing protein secondary structure in solution. However, a majority of these techniques need to use purified protein, concentrated enough in the solution to produce a relevant spectrum. In this study, we describe a novel approach which uses ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) coupled with mass-spectrometry (MS) to explore compressibility of the secondary structure of proteins under increasing pressure detected by hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HDX). Several model proteins were used for these studies. The studies were conducted with UHPLC in isocratic mode at constant flow rate and temperature. The pressure was modified by a backpressure regulator up to about 1200 bar. It was found that the increase of retention factors upon pressure increase, at constant flow rate and temperature, was based on reduction of the proteins' molecular molar volume. The change in the proteins' molecular molar volume was caused by changes in protein folding, as was revealed by differential deuterium exchange. The degree of protein folding under certain UHPLC conditions can be controlled by pressure, at constant temperature and flow rate. By modifying pressure during UHPLC separation, it was possible to achieve changes in protein folding, which were manifested as changes in the number of labile protons exchanged to deuterons, or vice versa. Moreover, it was demonstrated with bovine insulin that a small difference in the number of protons exchanged to deuterons (based on protein folding under pressure) could be observed between batches obtained from different sources. The use of HDX during UHPLC separation allowed one to examine protein folding by pressure at constant flow rate and temperature in a mixture of sample solution with minimal amounts of sample used for analysis.