Introduction: Early acute antibody-mediated rejection (ABMR) occurs more frequently in ABO-incompatible (ABOi) than in ABO-compatible (ABOc) kidney transplantation. This could lead to increased inflammation/scarring in the ABOi grafts. Protocol biopsy data in ABOi kidney recipients are scarce.
Methods: A single-center retrospective matched cohort study was conducted. Eighty adult living donor (LD) renal transplant recipients without HLA donor-specific antibodies (DSA) transplanted between 2009 and 2012 were included; 20 ABOi and 60 ABOc controls matched for donor age and transplantation year. Protocol biopsies at one yr were scored according to the Banff classification. Three sums of scores were constructed: tubulointerstitial inflammation (t + i = 0 vs. >0), microvascular inflammation (g + ptc = 0 vs. >0), scarring/hyalinosis (ci + ct + cv + ah ≤ 1 vs. >1. Scores and presence of subclinical rejection (SCR) at one yr were compared.
Results: Protocol biopsy findings at one yr in the ABOi vs. ABOc matched control group were not statistically different: (t + i) > 0, 30% vs. 20%; (g + ptc) > 0, 5% vs. 8%; (ci + ct + cv + ah) > 1, 85% vs. 60%, respectively. No transplant glomerulopathy occurred. SCR rate at one yr was 30% vs. 18%, subclinical ABMR 5% vs. 7% (all with de novo HLA DSA).
Conclusion: One-year protocol biopsies of ABOi and ABOc LD recipients do not differ in chronic changes, inflammation, or SCRs.
Keywords: ABO incompatible; de novo donor-specific antibodies; kidney transplantation; protocol biopsy; subclinical rejection.
© 2015 The Authors. Clinical Transplantation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.