Current USFDA and EMA guidance for drug transporter interactions is dependent on IC50 measurements as these are utilized in determining whether a clinical interaction study is warranted. It is therefore important not only to standardize transport inhibition assay systems but also to develop uniform statistical criteria with associated probability statements for generation of robust IC50 values, which can be easily adopted across the industry. The current work provides a quantitative examination of critical factors affecting the quality of IC50 fits for P-gp inhibition through simulations of perfect data with randomly added error as commonly observed in the large data set collected by the P-gp IC50 initiative. The types of errors simulated were (1) variability in replicate measures of transport activity; (2) transformations of error-contaminated transport activity data prior to IC50 fitting (such as performed when determining an IC50 for inhibition of P-gp based on efflux ratio); and (3) the lack of well defined "no inhibition" and "complete inhibition" plateaus. The effect of the algorithm used in fitting the inhibition curve (e.g., two or three parameter fits) was also investigated. These simulations provide strong quantitative support for the recommendations provided in Bentz et al. (2013) for the determination of IC50 values for P-gp and demonstrate the adverse effect of data transformation prior to fitting. Furthermore, the simulations validate uniform statistical criteria for robust IC50 fits in general, which can be easily implemented across the industry. A calibration of the t-statistic is provided through calculation of confidence intervals associated with the t-statistic.
Keywords: Analysis of error; IC50 statistical precision; P-glycoprotein.